January 3, 2024

In re:  Help us save AFRICA in 2024: Now is the time to build

Dear Friends and RC Family:

          Most of you know and if you don’t, last year’s Ghana, West Africa trip was fairly epic.  As we traveled the Country we realized this task was bigger than we ever imagined.  Nevertheless, the schools, prisons and orphanages were ministered to by the team and I concentrated on the church revivals and leadership training.  It appears that we have “accidentally” started a church there.  The Leadership team in Ghana is amazing and they saved up all the support we sent them over the last two years and bought an acre of land to build a church.  They have almost 300 members and they meet in the dirt. They listen to the Revival Center sermons, podcasts and teachings.  They have grown into a radical army and God is ready to change the nation because of them.  We have opened a non profit there, “The Revival Center, Kumasi Ghana, West Africa” a few years ago. David Owusu pastors the work and the team of a dozen people there are powerful boots on the ground. I have been working with these people for over a decade.  They are up at 3:00am praying, street preaching and doing Bible Studies with students at schools before they ever get to their regular jobs. They have accepted the call and are ready to go. If you know the story, then you know that it is nothing short of supernatural how this all came to be. If you would like the story, give me a call. 

           I was there preaching and praying for four hours in 132 degree heat inside a metal and mortar building with no ventilation. The Lord used it to save more Muslims “than they had ever seen come to Christ.”  After traveling ALL OVER the country from outdoor churches to large rock buildings, I realized that I need to concentrate on the Pastors and Leadership.  So, to that end, in March of this year, we are returning to GHANA from MARCH 16 to 26 to accomplish that.  They traveled from near and far (one man rode on an old bus for 12 hours to get to the meetings) because they are hungry for empowerment in Christ.  They are hungry to save their Country with the truth.  This is where you come in.  To do this… it will take money to do what I am called to do…. empower and train the leadership so they can save their country !

          We will have two main crusades:  One in Kumasi and one in Accra.  We will rent decent hotels and hold meetings for up to 3,000, utilizing all of each hotel’s meeting rooms, concentrating on the Leaders and Pastors of the region, but certainly not turning away those who come for salvation, deliverance and healing.  The students and members of the Revival Center will be in attendance to be trained as well, at both events.  We will also bring finance and  supplies to the orphanage, schools and impoverished places.

          In addition to the meetings, which come at a cost of almost $65,000 by the time we nail the airfare down and the sleeping rooms. So please be in prayer quickly about your part for the March Crusades.  We have to get this all paid for in three weeks.  The time is now.  The harvest is ready and the people are willing to do the work.  Please do what you can and let’s pay the goodness of the Lord forward, for we are those who believe.

          Beyond the crusades this year, there is the building of The Revival Center, Kumasi.  Architects are drawing plans up as we speak and I am impressed to get the church built this year there.  I am suspecting the cost of the church to be $200,000 and that will provide housing for some of the leadership as well as those who will be caretakers of the church along with maintaining and monitoring the prayer vigils that will go on in between services.  The church should hold around 800 people and I am insisting on modern materials that are a bit more expensive but with the humidity will not require constant reconstruction.

          If you can help or you know a person or a business that would be able to be part of God’s goal, there are many ways to give online or in person.  P.O, Box  740, Kingsburg, CA  93631  or www.abbasheart.com  PayPal. Venmo. Zelle.  Just make a note ‘TO AFRICA’ and we will get it there, with love.

          God made His son a missionary here to this fallen Eden, and so we too, are missionaries.  Let us go do the work each one accomplishing their part.  I thank you for reading this letter.  Please do what you can and thank you for letting me call on you. I love you very much.

                                                          In the Bonds of Calvary,

                                                          Your friend, Sandi Querin


Friday Night Revival at 7:00pm

Doors Open at 6:45pm

Nursery provided

You are invited to come and experience the love, the power, and the fire of authentic Christianity.


Visit the Training and Outreach Center: The Revival Center, 2221 Villa Ave.,
Clovis CA 93611

Mailing Address: PO Box 740, Kingsburg, CA 93631

Visit our office: 1516 Draper St, Kingsburg, CA 93631

(559) 897-9575
